Taking a deeper look within...
Let's face it...our life is basically just one big jigsaw puzzle that we have to put together ourselves. Take a look at it this way...we already know that God knows all and has already developed a purpose and course for our lives. He knows everything we're about to do, before we do it, as well as our life paths. Similarly, when we open a puzzle box, the pieces are all there...it's just up to is to figure out exactly where they all fit...but let's be honest from the jump - unlike children's jigsaw puzzles...life has a special course of it's own and unfortunately, you'll find that many pieces may be out of place. That draws me to this quote, "The only thing constant about life is that life is constantly changing. The only thing predictable in life is that life is unpredictable...but isn't that what makes it so wonderful?" Though many trials and triumphs occur in life, these are the experiences that shape us. They sculpt us and make us into the ...